Wednesday, July 10, 2013

one year favorites

Beckham will be one year old before I know it. So, I thought I'd take the time to document a few of his favorite things. First and foremost, he would rather play outside (eating flowers, bugs & dirt) more than anything in the world. He begs to go outside, and by beg I mean stand at the door and cry. It doesn't matter if it's 100 degrees, day, night, or raining.....he doesn't care. He loves it!

iPhone- He is beyond obsessed with talking on the phone. Everything is a phone to him; the remote, a random toy, the bottle of powder....everything. His initial reaction to all things hand-held is to hold it up to his ear and say "eeeyyyy!" it's hilarious. But, he especially loves my (and Daddy's) iphone. If he sees us on it he runs over and tries to take it from either of us.
Sander Fisherman's Sandal- Beckham was blessed with a fat little foot. He can't wear most of the shoes he owns but these are nice because they are Velcro and can adjust with the width of his foot. We bought them in size 5 (he's not quite in a 5 yet, but some 4's are too small) because they were $40 and I wanted him to get some use out of them. Of course not I see they are on sale on the website...go figure. Anyways, going a size up has really been great with these also because of the ability to adjust the length using the velcro. Long story short, these shoes are super cute, fit him well, are made extremely durable & easy to clean.
Oball Football- We have both the Oball (in red) and the Oball-Football (in blue) and Beckham has loved them practically since he was born. It's the first ball he could actually grab because it is flexible with holes. The Oball rattles, (the football doesn't) which he loves and is easy for him to grip and sling across the room. Typical boy.
Fisher-Price Discover 'n Grow Kick & Play Piano Gym- I know this is more of a baby-baby toy but Beckham still loves it. We got it from Yaya when Beckham was still really little. He couldn't even crawl at the time. It is the only stationary toy he ever liked. He would lay on this mat and kick the piano all day long if you let him. It has the ability to move the toys onto the floor for tummy time; and the piano turns horizontal so he can sit (or stand) and play with it. At this point he loves to turn the mirror and look at himself (vein) and play the piano while standing or sitting. He plays with this daily so for now, it's staying in the living room.
Step 2 Push Around Buggy- As I said, Beckham LOVES being outside at all times. This buggy is his most favorite toy to play with outside. He would ride in it all day, all around the yard if my arms could take it. It's a little rough on my back because the handle is a little bit low for me to push, so I kind of have to bend while pushing and it starts to hurt after a while. Beckham is starting to like to push it around the yard too but it's just a little bit too high for him. He loves checking out the wheels and looking under the hood- it's like he has a real car. 
VTech Fly and Learn Airplane- I'm not sure why he loves this thing so much, but he does. He pulls the string all over the living room. It talks, sings, and flashes lights. I have every song memorized because he's constantly pushing them. I can't say I'll be sad when the batteries are out in this thing.
LeapFrog My Pay Scout- I loooooove this little puppy. Beckham has just in the last few months started to care about it but I've loved it all along. You plug it up to a computer and can load all kinds of information about your baby. It says his name, favorite color, animal, food etc. It also has a button for two minutes of bed time music where it plays sweet lullabies. It says cute things like "I'm feeling hungry- I love _____ (your child's favorite food)". Somehow it can tell when you give it a hug too; it will say "awwww I love you, Beckham!" and it actually pronounces his name right (Beckham like David not beck HAM like the lunch meat). Scout's little bone collar lights up too.


  1. I LOVE THIS! You will be so glad u did this in the future. U can look back and remember all these things that are his favorites.

    1. I know! I am going to do it every 6 months

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