It is officially 2014 and I can't begin to explain how fast 2013 flew by. My life in general is flying by. Beckham is growing at warp speed and I feel like I am completely out of control. As I read my post from last year I could literally remember sitting down and writing it. I can't believe that was a year ago. Wow. I am usually quite eager for the new year, I like the idea of a new beginning; and the motivation of being able to start over with whatever goals you may or may not set. As I read my resolutions from last year I couldn't help but laugh because they are pretty much the same this year.
Last year:
1) No more regular Coke
2) Update this blog at least twice a month!
3) Lose the baby weight by Beckham's 1st Birthday
I am completely over the whole don't drink Coca Cola thing... I'm sorry but maybe I get it from my Mamaw but I love regular Coke (boy coke is what I called it when I was little). I don't want to give it up completely. And when I tell myself I am 'quitting' something, it just makes me want it more. I have no will power. So, this year I am just going to say that I want to drink more water! Updating the blog- I'd say I have done a pretty fair job! I am keeping that goal in my mind because I truly love to look back at older posts to see things that Beckham was doing or what was on my mind at the time. And lastly.......lose the baby weigh. Well, that hasn't happened completely. I am down two pants sizes and about 17 pounds since I was about 6 weeks post partum. I lost 19 lbs the day I had him; so I'd say I still need to lose about 20 pounds which doesn't seem completely out of reach. I have joined Weight Watchers....yes I was suckered in by the Jessica Simpson ads....don't judge me. But, I am doing pretty good so far. I love the indulgence points because I don't feel like I am on a "diet". And I guess I am kind of not- it just teaches you how to eat, more or less. I am learning a lot of about what types of foods are best to eat and portion size (which is my biggie). So, I am not calling it a diet and I am not thinking about it like I am on a diet. If I want to eat a Reese's peanut butter cup, I will! I just won't eat ten like I really want.
1) Lose 15-20 pounds (by Beckham's Birthday)--that's 6.5 months away...completely doable.
2) Drink more water!
As I said, 2013 flew by at the speed of sound. I mean I literally blinked and it was gone. All of the holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas....all of that just crept up and them flew by. I am usually all about a new year, a new beginning, a fresh start, all of that. However, this year I don't know if maybe I was just unprepared for the new year or what because I am really just wanting time to slow down. Beckham and I were laying on the couch tonight watching videos on my iPad of him when he was a little baby, just barely walking, barely talking (more babble than anything), Beckham loves to look at babies (any baby in general, but I mostly just have pictures and videos of him on my phone and iPad), he was completely memorized watching this little baby just crawl and walk around. Whether or not he knew it was himself, I don't know, but as we were watching I couldn't help but feel a little bit sad. He is sooo not a baby anymore. I mean he is my baby and will always be, but he does things so much sooner than most babies his age. He was crawling a 6 months, walking at 9.5, and now at almost 18 months he can pretty much tell you anything he wants, or at least he will point you in the right direction, he identifies all kinds of things, and he follows commands. I know everyone says this but he is so incredibly smart for his age; and while I am completely proud of all that he can do, it also makes me sad because I feel like I am not getting as much time with him as other Moms get with their babies. He is so mobile and fluent and I just wish he would slow down just a little bit so I can catch up- or at least prepare myself a little better. Anyways, I know that he is not slowing down anytime soon. If anything, things will be happening even faster in 2014. I swear when it's time to potty train (which will probably be soon because he already tells me when he's done his business) I will probably cry. I just want him to be my little baby forever, which is completely selfish. I want him to grow into a handsome young man but I need to figure out a way to be able to absorb every single thing that he does so that I never ever forget them. :)
Our New Year's Eve was pretty low key. We watched the LSU game and had the traditional cabbage and black eyed peas. Beckham had a little bit of both- neither of which he really liked but he has been cutting jaw teeth lately so he hasn't been eating all that well the past couple of days. We popped some fireworks at Grami and Pop's house and he actually liked them pretty well. He would say "oohhhh and ahhhhhh" mocking me. I was trying to show him they wouldn't hurt him or anything because he was a little freaked at first because they were so loud. So, we hung out by the bonfire with Grami while Pop and Daddy put on a firework show for us.
Then, that night was crazy. Beckham fell asleep around 9:00pm; then woke up at 10:30 sick to his stomach. As I said, he had been teething and was running a low grade fever, so I'm thinking the milk didn't sit well with him because puked three times. And then he was ready to party. For real. Like, I'm guessing he was fired up from watching the neighbors firework show but he wouldn not go to sleep after that. Maybe he was just feeling better after getting all of that off of his stomach, but he stayed awake until after 2:00am. He was just running all over the house playing with toys, watching TV, messing with name it. Around 1:00am I finally turned the TV off hoping he would realize that it was time to go to bed. Needless to say, I looked at my phone at 2:17am and he was still wide awake. Some time after that he fell asleep, on me, on the couch because I woke up at 7:00 and put him in the bed and got in bed. Naturally, he was up at 9:00am, so our New Year's Day was not that great. We were both pretty sluggish. But, last night and today was much better. I was thinking to myself....ok this is not a good way to start the New Year. I was thinking he was trying to turn into a sleep-hating baby, which he has never been....ever.
wonderful iPhone quality
I could tell he was so sleepy but fighting it for some reason!
So, there's that! 2014 has already gotten off to a crazy start. I am excited to see what this year holds. I know my life will continue to speed by if I'm not careful, I am just hoping I can keep up.
Happy New Year!
I'm excited to get to watch you live your life in 2014. I know God has big plans for you and your little family!!!