Satisfaction has never come easy to me and I admit that. I try to be happy in the moment but most of the time I am thinking about ten other things I need to do or am working towards. However, here lately I have really been trying to stop and 'smell the roses'.
Right now we are currently looking for our forever house. I tend to fall in love with every house we see, at that time, and then a week later, I am over it completely. But, last night Butch and I were talking and he really made me realize that we don't need to settle. We have a house right now that is just fine. And as the saying goes, "The grass is green where you water it." So, I have come to the realization that we need to just water this grass until we either find the perfect piece of land to build or the perfect house, in the perfect location. Because, as I've said before, I am not moving again! The next house we live in, I will die in! I am so sick of moving, and I am not doing it again with a baby or possibly two depending on the time frame.
Also, I am somewhat stressing over this post partum body size. Beckham is now 8 months old and I still have about 20lbs to lose. As summer fast approaches I am not happy with this size and I seriously need some motivation. I am thinking once it warms up some I can start swimming or playing outside with Beckham, but somethings got to give. However, this is another thing I am never satisfied with. I look back at pictures when I was my smallest and would kill to be that size again, but I know at that time I still wasn't happy with my body. But in reality, I have a husband that loves the size I am (he thought I was too skinny before...whatever) and this body just created a life. So, I refuse to put too much pressure on myself. And that's that! :)
Beckham.... my favorite subject. He is beyond perfect. He is the constant in my life by far. I know that when I am having a bad day, he always makes me feel better. He is growing up so fast; I can't even keep up! You know when people tell you to enjoy every moment with your babies because you'll blink and they'll be grown. UMM...I have tried really hard not to blink and it's just not working. He was crawling at 5 1/2 months, and almost immediately started pulling up. Now, at 8 months old he can stand for a few seconds on his own and I just KNOW it won't be long before he is walking. (Which can't hurt the whole losing weight thing!)
Easter 2013
Anyways, I am going to sit back and savor the sweet stuff; because, after all my life is pretty sweet!
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