December 6th baby Jake Thomas Hobbs made his entry into the world!! A little early (1 month exactly) but otherwise PERFECT!! I can not wait for Beckham to meet him and become BFFs!
Beckham's first Christmas was a complete success.. I wish Blogger would let me upload pics, but for some reason it won't.
Anyways- I got two whole weeks off from work for Christmas break and I got paid! It was great. The best part was it matched up perfectly to Butch's schedule so I was off almost the whole time he was home! I was so glad he could be home for our baby boy's first year things may be different. :(
So Christmas is crazy for us because we have about 7,000 families. Which is GREAT! But busy! Christmas Eve we went over to Maymay and Daddy Mac's first to do presents and see Jake! It was his first time meeting us all at once. Beckham got The Night Before Christmas book that we are starting as a yearly tradition to read every Christmas Eve. He also got tons of clothes, toys, and a Lifetime Hunting and Fishing License from Uncle Randy! After that, we went over to Grami and Pop's house to do Christmas with them. Beckham also racked up like the spoiled rotten little boy that he is! :) He got a bouncer, a push car, picnic table and slide (for this Summer), as well as about 300 outfits that Grami had ordered. As well as tonsssss of toys! Seriously, Butch and I could have not bough this child anything and he would have still gotten more than most 5 month olds! And we still had 2 families to go to! Butch's big gift was a Polaris Ranger (from the best wife ever) so Christmas Eve night we went out on a little four wheeler ride! It was cold but lots of fun.
Christmas Day we kind of laid low. Grami (Butch's Mom) cooked a big traditional lunch. It was delicious and then Butch went hunting so we just laid around and played with Beckham all day. The next day, we got up early and went to my Grandparent's house on my Dad's side. Had a nice visit and then headed to my Mom's house. She just had surgery so couldn't come see us on Christmas so we took a road trip and stayed the night with her and Grumpy. I got my first little blue box ever! Yes, Tiffany's! :) Happy girl!! Beckham got the cutest little VTech dog that you can program to say his name so it says things like "I love you, Beckham!". It's adorable and he loves it! All in all we had a GREAT Christmas!! So glad Daddy could be home with us this year and hopefully every year to come!
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