I have been meaning to post about Beckham's 2 year doctor visit, but it just didn't happen. Blah blah...same excuses as always... life keeps getting in the way of this blog. Whoops!
So, July 22nd we went to Beckham's 2 year doctor visit. It went well, as they always do-thankfully. He is growing perfectly on his curve. He was 34.5 inches tall, and weighed 29.9 lbs. Feeding notes were: Regular diet from table. Nutritious snacks, and to continue organic milk. She said to expect poor appetite and that's definitely the truth. He is becoming so picky about everything. He likes almost all foods but he is extremely vocal on what he wants, when he wants it. He loves to sit at his booster seat but he rarely wants to eat what we are eating for supper. Some days he does, but for the most part it's every other day. We always say either it's an eating day or not. Beckham really doesn't like ground beef, but will eat chicken and fish.
Beckham is still an outside boy through and through. The mosquitoes are really bad right now so we are literally bathing in Off everyday, but it's what we have to do because he loves to be outside.
He is now officially a toddler because I have converted his crib to a toddler bed. It was a sad day. We are still working on the whole stay in your bed thing; but he loves his 'new' bed and isn't throwing a fit at nights anymore. Although he does tend to wander into our bed some nights.
Beckham continues to amaze me everyday. He is saying full sentences. Like "Mama, what you doing in there?" and "I want to watch Mick on big TV and big couch." Those are two of his favorite phrases. I love love love watching him grow everyday. He works my nerves on the regular because he is so head strong and stubborn. But, all in all he is a great kid and I wouldn't trade being his Mommy for anything in the entire world.
Here are some random pictures from his 2 year old appointment. I was shocked to find out he doesn't have to go back until he is 3....made me a little sad. But not real sad because who likes waiting in the dr. office and risking getting sick from other kids...lol