Friday, May 17, 2013

Blogger fail...

As mentioned in previous posts my computer has some type of virus. I don't really know but I'm seriously slacking in the blogging department so I have spent the past 3 hours getting caught up using my iPad! But, now that I've found the blogger app I'm hoping I'll do better! Anyways....

Today is our last Friday of this school year! Ahhh!!! I just can't believe I've finished my first year of teaching! It's crazy!! Also, we had some great news today- ALL of the 8th graders passed the LEAP! Hallelujah, praise Jesus! I was/am so happy! So, technically the kids have 4 days of school left & I have 5! And I'm going to a PAID workshop in June that's only 4 days total & I get a free retina display iPad, case & keyboard! Yep, great things happening around here!! I am super excited about the next school year but I can't wait to spend this Summer with my sweet baby boy & wonderful husband! I have some fun projects for Beckham and I to do thanks to Pinterest, plus I have already started planning his first Birthday party!

 Yes, in just 57 days (hubby informed me tonight of the count) our baby will be 1 year old. Ugh it makes me so sad to think about him already being a year! My gosh where has the time gone? People really don't lie when they say it flies by. Anyways I plan on thoroughly enjoying the next 57 days while my baby is still less than a year old!

Here's a photo dump of our life lately!
OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT BECKHAM IS WALKING! Yes, at just 9 months old he started walking! It was the craziest thing, he'd take a few steps here and there but the night before Butch came home from Alaska he really started walking, and thank goodness I was face-timing with him so he got to see it all as it was happening! So, yeah it's official, Beckham is seriously trying to to grow up way too fast. I mean come on, crawling at 4 months, walking at 9; he's trying to kill me! 
His first bobo. A big old goose egg because he thinks he's grown & can do grown-up things, like jump off the bed.....yeah, long story.
Eating dirt
Being sweet! (5/17/13 10 mo old)

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